
Thursday, December 26, 2013

[CLOSED] Aegyo Adventures Christmas Giveaway!

Hi guys! Long time no post.

I went on a bit of a hiatus without any formal warning; sorry about that. The timing of the start of this blog wasn't the greatest, between school, my two jobs, university applications, & finals, I didn't have much time to get new posts in. Although rest assured, from now on, I will have a new post up every week! (Same goes for my beauty/advice blog, if you're interested.)

To make up for my lack of updates & just because I was in the Christmas spirit, I am doing a late Christmas Giveaway!! Woooh! I was honestly hoping to get this out before Christmas, but my package didn't come in until Christmas Eve. Nonetheless, here it is!

If you follow me on Tumblr, Gurupop, or Instagram, you would know that I recently bought both the Chinese & Korean versions of EXO's Miracles In December album. (If you're interested in the other kpop purchases I made, I have a link for my social media on the upper right hand corner.) What I didn't announce is that I order a second set of the albums that I am giving away!

Miracles In December (Chinese Version is red. Korean Version is white.)
So let me show you what you will be getting along with the albums.

Like most albums, it comes with a photo book filled with cute pictures of the members along with the lyrics of the songs.

You also get two stand up, cardboard snow globes, one in each album, with one of the members inside it. I got Luhan & Lay inside mine. I hope you get your favorite members inside yours!

The back of globe also has a message from the member inside. If you're like me who unfortunately can't read Mandarin or Korean, I've seen the translations floating around Tumblr. & As you can see, there's a little flap to stand it up.


 & Lastly, you will also be getting these Vixx photo cards. There are five cards with a picture on both sides. The package will be coming with four sets of the same photos.
Side 1
Side 2
Now you're probably wondering, "How do I win this giveaway?" The rules are super simple!
  1. You must be living in the United States. (For those of you living internationally, don't fret because I will be doing an international giveaway some time in the future.)
  2. Follow this blog.
  3. Comment down below & let me know which 3 members you wish you had under your Christmas tree! (For me, I wish I had Chanyeol, Kai, & Luhan for my Christmas presents!)
I will pick the winner of the giveaway on Saturday, January 11th, & announce who won on Monday, January 13th.

P.S. If you are under 18, please make sure it is okay with your parents that you enter this giveaway because I will be needing your address to send out the prize.

Good luck to all of you! & Once again, thanks for reading! :)