
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MV Breakdown! GOT7 - Girls Girls Girls

Hello guys, and welcome to another music video breakdown!

With the recent debut of JYP's new boy group, GOT7, I've noticed a lot of controversy over their single and MV, "Girls Girls Girls," so you know I had to step in and share my opinion.

I'm going to hit the nail straight on the head and discuss the main issue of the song, first, the lyrics.

Those who aren't fond of their debut single think that the lyrics portray a cocky, some would even say narcissistic, group of boys. One forum even dared to call the song a "douchebag anthem." Now, using the term "douchebag," an urban slang word used to describe a person who acts worse than a jerk or an a**hole, is beyond harsh.
Granted, the song is about a boy whom all the girls love, perfect the way he is, doesn't have to do anything, a simple smile will suffice, but they aren't the only artists that come out with songs relating to such themes. The Wonder Girls, also from JYP, came out with the song, "So Hot," a similarly cocky song, during their early years. G-Dragon himself can be seen as an arrogant artist based off some of his songs, and considering his success and talent, he has the right to be.
It seems as though that some netizens who are judging the song are characterizing the group as well. The song, the image, the style is usually chosen by the company/label with little, if any, input from the group. I can understand if some would say that the musicality of the song just isn't to their preference or liking, or that they simply don't like the lyrics, or cannot relate, but a "douchebag anthem?" You're clearly just hating rather than offering serious criticisms.

Moving into the image that JYP Nation has going for GOT7, it seems to be your typical bad boy next door. In the MV, the boys leave school to chill at a hidden hang out spot. I'm no prepubescent fangirl, and the age range of the members are from '93-'97-liners, but even at my age, the rugged bad boy can be quite attractive. Now considering this image and the lyrics of the song, it all makes sense. Of course, the bad boy believes he can get any girl he wants. And in the case of GOT7, they probably could. They already have a flurry of fangirls hanging by a thread from their mere looks, an affection I don't blame anyone for.

An understandable disappointment from some fans/netizens was the choreography. The huge hype about this group is their talent in acrobatics and b-boy dance style. Does the music video showcase a lot of that? Not exactly. The choreography was a bit simpler and more playful. Most music videos tend to depict more of a storyline that goes with the song rather than a complex dance number, some labels even come out with dance versions of their artists' videos to promote the group's talent in that aspect.
I, on the other hand, found the choreography to be quite enjoyable because it offered a simple, swagger dance that, as a fan, I can do along with them during the chorus. Little things like that make all the difference, in my opinion, because it makes the song even catchier since it adds an aspect that you can do yourself.

The playfulness of the choreography also adds to the theme of young, somewhat, rebellious boys just looking to have fun.
Even though the choreography as a whole wasn't completely thrilling, there were a lot of high points. (Jackson and Mark seem to be the primary members in charge of tricking.)


The ratio of actual dancing to tricking also helps to showcase the fact that these boys really are great dancers. I also expect that the live performance of this song will involve a more lively set that most have been anticipating.

Overall, I'm really interested to see what else this group has to offer. I think they will do fairly well in the industry; they have the looks, swagger, and great singing, dancing, and rapping skills.
Their looks are what predominantly caught my attention, but their sound isn't completely there for my taste. I think the song is quite catchy, indeed, and I really like the hip-hop feel, but just listening to it versus watching them doesn't offer the same appeal. (Although, I can't deny that I can definitely see myself possibly joining this fandom.. And I can't get the chorus out of my head..)
With groups such as BTS, EXO, and Winner also out and aiming for, generally, the same target market and style as GOT7, I'm very intrigued to see who will come out on top.

Let me know your thoughts on this song/MV, or just on GOT7 in general! Also, if you have any suggestions on a future MV Breakdown or something else you'd like to hear from me, leave me comment down below.

As always, thanks for reading!

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