
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Update: LA Kpop Festival Concert Tickets

Hi guys! Did all of you remember to wake up for those concert tickets? I hope so, and congrats to those that got theirs! :)

For those of you that, unfortunately, could not get a ticket, here's some good news; you still have a chance!

On Monday, March 31st, at 10:00 am PST, the LA Kpop Festival will be holding a contest on their Facebook and Twitter pages for a chance to win a pair of Pit Tickets!! 
The only requirements explained, so far, are to like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Despite the fact that Ticketmaster was quick to sell out on tickets, the LA Kpop Festival announced yesterday that should more tickets become available, they will be sure to update everyone via Facebook and Twitter. 

Many fans were also quite upset that a lot of people were selling the tickets they obtained for ridiculous prices, some up to $250+, in which the LA Kpop Festival also noted that they do not condone the sale of concert tickets.
There have also been a few kind fans out their who were generous enough to simply give their extra tickets away to those who were not able to get one. 
( ^ - ^ )

[Side Note: In my opinion, we all just want a chance to see our favorite idols in person. Especially as international fans, it can be very difficult for us to come across a great opportunity such as this free concert. So for those who are trying to make a profit off of this concert, do consider those who want this just as bad as others, but cannot afford it. Another thing to consider is that those who are willing to pay for these tickets are condoning the behavior of those who sell them. It's understandable that all of us terribly want to attend the concert, but both sides are at fault. This whole practices seems a bit immoral, in my honest opinion. Just saying.]

They also announced yesterday that there were physical tickets still available at the HwaGae Traditional Market in LA.

Other, unofficial, ticket information floating among netizens is that Ticketmaster will most likely release more tickets in the future since they are known to release tickets in waves. This first distribution could have been used to obtain a general idea on the amount of interest for the concert. Many netizens also do not believe that the 100,000 capacity of the coliseum has been filled. 

All we can do now is cross our fingers for more opportunities to obtain tickets!

 For more updates on this upcoming concert and other hallyu related topics, make sure to follow this blog. :)

Also, let me know in the comments down below how you feel about the sale of concert tickets. Do you think it's okay? Or not? Or maybe you just don't care. Leave your opinions down below because I'd love to hear them! Feel free to share any other information you have on the concert, as well.

Thanks for reading; until next time!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Drama Review: Future Diary

Hi guys! Along with K-Pop, I love K-dramas and anime so today's review will be on the most recent drama that I finished, which is actually a Japanese drama, not Korean… 

Anyways, the drama is "Future Diary: Another World," and my friend and I were completely obsessed with it! 

There are 11 episodes, which is significantly shorter than Korean dramas, but, I believe, Japanese dramas tend to have second seasons, unlike K-dramas. This was also the first J-drama I've watched, so I can't name too many significant differences between the two. One thing that really stood out to me is the speed of the plot development. Since J-dramas are much shorter, everything happens one after the other, and this style definitely kept me watching because each episode was so shocking that I just wanted more. This drama was also based off the popular manga-turned-anime, Mirai Nikki.

Genre: Romantic Thriller
I would say this drama was a romantic thriller because there is a romantic relationship between the two main characters, but the situation that they find themselves in is very complicated. It's not your typical, the families hate each other conflict, but they're in a serious, life or death mission. There are a lot of plot twists that keep you on your toes and definitely keep you guessing because once you think you've figured it out, something else is thrown at you. (Hence why we finished the drama in 3 days; it was just too intriguing!)

This drama is about a boy, Hoshino Arata (Okada Masaki), who ends up with a Chronus Seed Corporation smartphone, and soon learns that his new phone has the capability to tell him his future, the Future Diary. Later on, he meets a girl, named Furusaki Yuno (Gouriki Ayame), whom he discovers also has a Future Diary. They uncover the sick reality that they are merely two of seven other unwilling contestants that must participate in a sadistic game -- where they must use their Future Diaries to kill each other -- in order to be awarded the prize of their "ideal future."

For an overall rating, I'd give this drama a 9 out of 10. It was wonderfully heart-racing and captures your full attention. The storyline was well-written, and was a very intriguing and thought-provoking concept. The only thing that I keeps me from giving this drama a perfect 10 is the character development. It could just be the difference is styles, and the time crunch since there are only 11 episodes, but the growth of Hoshino Arata seemed a bit rushed for my liking. Other than that, I highly recommend this drama for anyone who is looking for something a little different from the typical love story, but still has the aspect of a heart wrenching couple relationship. 

For more drama reviews/recommendations, don't forget to hit that follow button in the upper left hand corner. :) Also, leave a comment down below telling me how you liked or didn't like this drama, or any recommendations you have for me to watch next.

Until next time! :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

KBS Free K-Pop Concert Ticket Info!!!

Hello! The wait is over!

Tickets will be released on TICKETMASTER on Saturday, March 29 at 10:00 am PST!!

The tickets are free, but there is a small service fee of $0.75.

To reserve your tickets in person, also at 10:00 am PST, it's a first come, first serve basis at the HwaGae Traditional Market (940 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA). 5,000 tickets will be distributed at this location.

There is a 2 ticket limit per person.

Make sure to RESERVE your tickets!

The concert is only 2 weeks away! :D

For more info on the concert, check out my previous post here. :)

(Source: LA Kpop Festival Facebook Event)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

KBS Open Concert Update

Hello, hello everyone! You're probably wondering, "Otteoke?! What happened to the KBS Open Concert?! Why haven't you updated anything?!"

Yes, the concert is less than a month away and ticket information has, still, yet to be released. As promised, as soon as official information regarding the distribution of tickets is announced, I will inform you guys. :) 
I wouldn't let you down, lovely followers. Lol (Source)
So far, floating around forums and comments, some netizens believe that the tickets may be a "first come, first serve" type of distribution -- where you would either have to physically line up to obtain a ticket or be one of the first to reserve one online. 

Some people are also wondering, "If it's a free concert, why do I even need a ticket in the first place?" 

Just imagine the chaos if everyone simply showed up on the day of the concert and tried to stampede their way into the coliseum. The venue only holds 93,000 seats and can accommodate about 100,000 people; everyone would trample each other like a bunch of sasaeng fans trying to catch a glimpse of their bias. (Nobody wants to be a sasaeng fan, but that's a different story.)

Don't be a sasaeng fan... (Source)
An even grimmer rumor concerning netizens is the possibility that the concert would be cancelled…

I know, they can't do that to us?! (Source)
Though is it a plausible outcome, I highly doubt KBS America and the L.A. Korea Society would pull out such an extravagant announcement without something to back it up. It would be very poor publicity on their part considering all the hype and promotions that has been built around it, from their official website to the Facebook event

I am considering whether or not this could be tactic to build up the anxiety and excitement for the event to ensure enough people would show up to fill their venue. They could also be working on gaining two more idol groups to add to the line up, since only 12 out of the 14 performers have been revealed so far. Maybe someone quite exclusive?

Until more information is released, we will just have to stay on our toes!!

If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to leave a comment down below or tweet me your questions, @aegyoanika. :) Also, let me know if you have any other information to share with all of us or just your thoughts on the delay; I'd love to hear what you have to say! 

To stay up-to-date on all things hallyu, please click that follow button in the upper left hand corner. \( ^ - ^ )

Until next time. Thanks for reading! <3