
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

WIN: Who Is Next - Episode 6 "The First Battle"

Hello everyone! :) Hope you all got a chance to see WIN: Who Is Next Episode 6 where Team A & Team B faced off in their first battle! Ready to hear my thoughts?

Let’s start in the same order as the battle. So the first round was, of course, singing.

Team A:

Starting out, I, personally, felt that Minho seemed a bit nervous, more so during the beginning of the performance. Although, I think I feel this way because his rap didn’t come off as strong as I was expecting it to (just as TOP had said), but, at the end of the day, I still love Minho’s voice & rapping style. & (Also just as TOP had said) Surprisingly enough, Seunghoon’s rap, & performance in general, was very cool. He seemed the most relaxed & gave off this enjoyable, fun vibe. Continuing on with how well they were performing, Jinwoo seemed very nervous to me. Just focusing on his eyes, they gave off this scared/worried look. The singing, itself, was done very well, in my opinion. I really like Taehyun’s voice; I have yet to pinpoint why. Haha They all harmonize very well. (In agreement with Daesung) I enjoyed their revision of the song; it was very unique, & I really liked the rap remix in the middle of the song.

Overall, (I agree with Bom) their visuals are great. They’re handsome & super cute/sexy. (Well not super sexy. Yet… Hahaha) They just need to give more eye contact; they were looking down too much. Everyone keeps repeating how losing the first couple of times to their dongsaengs have placed this great burden on them, which is why they appear nervous & scared. But I hope Team A realizes that if they could just get over this fear, they would be so good. 

Team B:

Even before the performance began, just walking onto the stage, sitting & waiting for the music, they seemed cool, calm, & collected. These boys know they’re the shit, or at least act like they do. (Figures, after being mentored by GD. That’s cocky princess. Hahah <3) The song revision at the beginning was a bit unexpected, especially when compared to the original, but executed well (just as TOP had said). I enjoyed listening to Junhoe’s voice the most. All their movements & swagger came off very natural, as if they didn’t have to try too hard. Donghyuk’s aegyo was on point! I seriously loved it & went well with the theme of the song. He’s adorable. ( ^ - ^ ) I really like Bobby’s raspy voiced style of rapping, but (again, just as TOP had said) he sometimes ends up slurring the words together. B.I has always been an amazing, confident performer from day one, but sometimes I do worry that he’s on the verge of doing too much (also agreeing with TOP). If he did just a hair more than what he currently does while performing, it would be going overboard. Daesung had pointed out that there was more rap than singing in their performance, & I think they may have done that because their singing isn’t as strong as Team A, but that’s just my assumption. 

Overall, referencing CL’s comment when she says that she had higher expectations for Team A, at first, because she could pinpoint individuals & their characteristics but could not do that with Team B is exactly why I think Team B gives off a better performance. Because of the fact that you can’t pick just one individual that has a special something on their own (not saying that they don’t have their own talents), they work extremely well as a group. They’re like puzzle pieces that make a greater picture when put together. 
Moving onto the dancing portion…

Team A:

All I have to say about it is that it was okay. Well, actually, it was good. But that’s the problem, it was only good. There wasn’t anything special or amazing about it. I could probably pinpoint two memorable moves: when Taehyun was in the front center & the other four in the back switched places & when they were holding (I think) Seunghoon up as if he was floating. I, personally, felt like the transitions in the choreography & formation changes weren’t that smooth. There seemed to be just a tad bit more emotion in their dancing, but then at times it also felt like too much. I think dancing just isn’t Team A’s strong point. I am curious to see what it would be like if they performed someone else’s choreography because they aren’t bad dancers, they just don’t seem to come up with the best choreography. 

Team B:

It was just as I expected of Team B: creative, fun, & entertaining. As B.I had phrased it, I enjoyed the “reversal of charms.” I thought it made it more interesting since there was more than one emotion, or you could even say story, being presented. It’s very obvious that these kids are more natural dancers, just in their choreography: it’s more intricate & a lot more creative. They know how to play with the beat, in terms of movement. Again, the energy they gave off was very fun. They know how to engage the crowd. There were also a lot more memorable moments/tricks: the robot, Jinhwan being sucked in through that circle, Bobby jumping over Jinhwan. 

My opinion on both teams after this first battle is just that both teams have things they need to work on.

Team A: 

They have great potential, but potential will only get you so far. I hope they learn to feed off of each other’s energy & enjoy a better stage from that. They could be great, they really have it, it’s just a matter of breaking away from their fear of failing & just performing as if they have nothing to lose.

Team B:

The only concern I have for them is that hopefully they won’t end up as the “expected.” By that I mean, I hope they won’t end up being boring one day. It’s like that phrase “too much of a good thing can be bad,” hopefully they can continue to come up with more creative & enjoyable performances. They’re great, but (just as TOP had said, again) they need some focus.

I hope my opinions here don’t come off as bias or anything. I will admit that I am in favor of Team B, but merely because they catch my attention & are more entertaining & enjoyable. I wonder if it’s their youthfulness that makes them more carefree & fun on stage? What do you guys think? But even with that said, my heart somewhat leans toward Team A, again, not sure why. It could be just pure sympathy or even empathy, but I really do like them individually. 

My biggest concern now is that I think it’s obvious that, at the moment, Team B are the better performers, but will everyone who is voting be able to accept that? From what I’ve read, Team A seems to have more popularity & I think it’d be just a bit unfair if Team B was put at a disadvantage because of this. But I do understand that how well they appeal to the fans is important too. I just feel like when it comes to voting, you should consider how well they did for that specific battle, & then how much growth you think the group will have.

As always, thank you for reading. :)

**Side Note: TOP had a lot of insightful things to say, which I didn’t really expect. Hahah

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