
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

WIN: Who Is Next - Thoughts Part 2

I don’t know why I always end up watching WIN: Who Is Next this late at night (or I guess you could say, this early in the morning). 
But I can never get over how talented these guys are, &, in my personal opinion, especially Team B. 
I seriously think the day they debut, all the rookie groups that I honestly do love now, & the future ones to debut, will be in danger. I do have my biases, don’t get me wrong, but I also like to recognize talent where I see it. & My goodness, these kids are crazy good. 
Sometimes I feel like a bad fan for always looking to see who is the next big thing, but in this industry, that’s what it’s about. Like I said before, I have groups that I favor, but I enjoy seeing how they all differ, their strengths, their weaknesses, how well they dance, charisma, fan service, singing, rapping, the whole shabang. 
At the moment, I feel like Team A isn’t much of a team. I can see them as solo artists, but as a group I don’t see the chemistry, which they need if they’re going to connect to their fans. Team B definitely has the chemistry, no doubt. They have this fresh air, fun kids (Know where that phrase is from? Haha) feel to them. Their synchronistic dancing is because of how well they work together, which I am super impressed with. They are always on point. I do think their singing could use improvement, but they are good. The only thing is who’s going to settle for good?
This show has really got me hooked. Haha They each have a lot of drive, both teams. Not to mention an abundant load of potential, it’s just a matter of what they do with that potential. I’m really excited to see how they progress. :)
Again, this is all just my personal opinion. The things I think about this late at night. & If you did end up reading this, thanks! & I’d actually love to hear what you think. 

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