
Monday, October 28, 2013

WIN: Who Is Next - Final Battle "The WINNER is..."

There's a part of me that almost didn't want to write this week's review because I felt so upset over the results... & That's just because of my own personal bias.. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Team A, a sincere congratulations to them. It's just that, as a fan of Team B, I'm sure most of us were hoping that they would be the winners or there would be a twist of events & he'd debut both of them. It's kind of funny that I was still hoping 'til the very end, even after they announced the winner, that YG would change his mind, especially since in the last post I told you guys it probably wouldn't happen..

But nonetheless, I will still write my review of their performances. It might not be as long as they usually are because I feel like that last battle wasn't even about perfection, but seeing both teams enjoy their final stage & leaving without any regrets.

Same Track, Different Arrangement:

First off, Teddy's composition was marvelous! It's such a fun & energetic track. :D

Team A - 

Starting out with their lyrics, it's basically about letting loose & letting go. I believe their original intention was to have a concept about a boy who is looked at as a fool, a pabo, & later on you realize that he's actually really cool -- just another boy. I personally related to this song because I've been so stressed lately. In their lyrics they say, "Today I'm going crazy. I'm going crazy. I can't cope with this tonight," my life story right there. -.- This is the perfect song to shake your worries off & just say, "F*** it! I'm going to have some fun tonight."

Their performance was on point as well. Taehyun, I don't know if it was the hair, but he was wild & out! Everyone seemed to enjoy the stage! The little dance Seunghoon choreographed was so fun & simple as well that I found myself doing it in my seat as I watched. Even Jinwoo was fun to watch; he's had the most growth out of the 11 trainees, in my opinion.

The only slight critique I would have is that I heard Taehyun's voice crack twice, but it didn't seem like anyone else cared. Their performance as a whole made up for that.

Team B -

Team B's concept was simple, all of us single people need some love too! Oh, the single life.. Not that I'm complaining, like they said, "I'm ok."

Onto the performance, it was a very fun & cute performance. I think what makes Team B a bit more charming than Team A, to me, is that they're cuter, cute as in adorable. They have that look that you can't help but love them. This stage showed that off perfectly! They always bring this energy to the stage, it's like kids playing. Again, that might also come from the fact that they're younger than Team A.

I really liked the dance Bobby came up with & how they decided to make it easy & silly. It requires a little more effort to grasp than Team A's dance, but it's really not that difficult. I could see it as a popular dance craze one day.

Overall: I liked both performances, as always. At first, I preferred Team B's stage, but watching it a second time around & looking at the over all content, I thought Team A had a better performance & arrangement. Their stage was more fun & the song was a very nice stress-reliever that can really lift up your spirits.

Dance Battle:

Team A -

This performance surprised me because Team A's choreography isn't usually all too intricate, but this was different. Seunghoon really worked with the varying beats & piano. It reminded of a lot of Movement Lifestyle's dancers' work. The floor work was executed very well & cleanly. Taehyun's windmill was really impressive because I didn't even know he could do that. Seunghoon's circle formation also added more texture to the choreography. The emotion shined through, as well, with this piece.

Team B -

Oh these boys... This was definitely a different side of Team B, & that's exactly what they were going for. I usually call them very cute & charming, but they obviously wanted us to see that they are more than a cute face.

This was such a strong routine! First off, the song choice was perfect. GD's Shake the World was a strong, confident song to open with. I liked how they matched the clicks of the gun sound effects, to a T I might add, in the beginning & went straight into the acrobatics, from Yunhyeong & Donghyuk's flips to Jinhwan's death drop. Their choreography was so smooth & precise that it matched the cockiness of the song perfectly. Their transition from Shake the World to Turn Up the Music flowed very well.

During Turn Up the Music, I really liked how they used their hats to cover their faces. It highlighted their choreography a lot more because you didn't focus on their face as much & went really well with the slow motion feel of the choreography. The rest of the routine was more about having fun & showing off, just look at those hip thrusts. They were bringing it! This song choice was also great because it was so fun & energetic.

This is, by far, my favorite routine Team B has come up with. They're really talented dancers. & If it isn't obvious, this was my favorite dance out of the two.

Self-Composed Song:

Team A -

We can't deny what a talented composer Kang Seungyoon is. This is another up beat song to get your spirits up & make you feel better. Seungyoon, Mino, & Seunghoon's lyrics, which I believe they usually are the writers, were so poetic. Their diction makes the song pleasing to the ear & adds to its overall meaning.

Their overall performance was very fun; it was like a concert. I especially enjoyed their little shoulder dance move during the first chorus, very cute. My only concern was, again, Taehyun because he seemed a tad bit out of breath.

Team B -

This final stage from Team B was, honestly, none like I've ever seen. They were so sincere in everything they put out, from their lyrics to the actual performance. Just listening to the lyrics is heart-wrenching. In the beginning, Bobby talks about his mom, how he misses her & the promises he made to her. B.I talked about the weight of having not only his life, but the future of his other team members on his shoulders. The whole song discussed their dreams, worries, & just leaving this final stage with no regrets.

Seeing B.I step out in the very center, on the extended stage, with all the lights only on him & rapping without any music or beat, just him, was so powerful. You could feel the raw emotion. It was saddening to see him fall to his knees, almost in tears, on that stage. They really put them selves out there.

Overall: Both songs were well written & well executed. The main reason why I have to pick Climax over Go Up is because that song & performance really touched my heart & hit home for me. If you can reach an audience member's soul with your song, it's a winner.

At the end of the day, Team B will be the winner in mine & other fans' hearts.

Nonetheless, Team A put in a lot of work, blood, sweat, & tears, as well, & it's nice that their hard work has paid off. So I tip my hat to Team A, aka WINNER.
As for Team B, the stage will be yours one day. Until that day, we'll be waiting.

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